
Leigh is 27 years old and  has served with DFM since 2016. Originally from Tennessee, she moved  to Panajachel in 2018 and recently married a local. She now serves as our Guatemalan director where she over sees our mission house, heads up our logistics and is our hands and feet to the community.

“It’s crazy to think that growing up I always dreamed to live in another country and serve with a non-profit but never thought it would really happen. Now that it is actually coming true, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I don’t feel worthy or capable but I know God has given me a heart to travel and help those in need  and I know I can not do this on my own. Through Jesus, I know he will sustain me.” I’m just a small town girl who wants to show the world that God can use anyone…all we must do is be willing.”

Leigh refuses to “live a normal life”  She wants to say yes, face her fears, chase her dreams and depend on God for the impossible.

[email protected]