Will you train me so I know how to share and serve?
A lot of the people that go on our trips are from all over the United States. We will do our best to prepare you  in advance but we do encourage you to  start learning about the culture and and area you are traveling to.  Do not sweat it though, there will be plenty of opportunity our first day in country to prepare. You are not expected to know how to do everything.

What if I can’t speak the language?
You are not required to know the language, however, we recommend learning a few key words and phrases. We will always provide translators to help you communicate with the locals.

Who will lead the trips?
Someone from our team, who is highly capable of leading a team to the trip destination, will always be lead. Sometimes, with groups, their trip leader will lead with our team member.

Will I be safe on the trip?
Absolutely!  The safety of our teams is one of our highest priorities. We partner with established mission bases who are familiar with the area and take safety very seriously.

Are there rules I have to follow?
Yes. Every team member has to sign a Trip Commitment form before going on a trip to ensure they uphold the expectations of the team. It is also our policy to adhere to the guidelines and policies of our host.

Will I need immunizations?
Dirty Feet Missions cannot make recommendations or suggestions to you regarding vaccines. We encourage you to speak to your local health care provider and make a personal decision.

What if I have a special diet?
Some destinations are more challenging than others. However, we will make every effort to accommodate your needs regarding food allergies. In some situations, You may need to bring specific food with you.  Please contact our team to discuss your needs.

What does the trip price include?
The trip price covers all of your in country cost such as food, lodging, transportation and translators as well as trip set up costs.  We strive to keep our prices as inexpensive as possible.

What kind of attire should I pack?
Attire depends solely on location. You will be sent a detailed packing list specific to your designated trip.

How do I raise money for my trip?
Remember, your fees can be made in several payments over a few months. You can send out letters [Check out our sample letter], host dinner parties, wash cars, babysit, and sell baked goods. There are many things you can do to raise funds. Our team will be happy yo help you with ideas.