
Dirtyfeetmissions   -  

70 + 7 can do alot for someone. It can show God’s love. It can bridge a gap. It can serve as a way to give hope. It can pay for medicine to medicate an infection. It can open doors for conversations and opportunities to see someone smile and share about their life. 70 + 7 may not seem like a big number BUT it has the potential to show kindness, unconditional love, and a hope that may not be experienced otherwise. 

It can show a mother – SUPPORT. A baby – RELIEF. A toddler – ATTENTION

See, 77 is not a very significant number in and of itself. In fact, if we look at 77 through the lens of 77 Quetzales it’s the equivalent to about $10.00 U.S, €9.04, or 13.28CAN$. For many of us, we spend that within the first few hours of leaving the house on coffee, food, gas, fun, or entertainment.

However, in Guatemala, 77Q can go a long way. It can buy a family the essentials for a few days, depending on the size of the family, to cook and eat. It can purchase school supplies for students (and trust me, the schools are ALWAYS  asking for things.

It can mean that a local doctor bill is covered and medicines paid for. It can cover the cost of transportation to and from the doctor visit. It means helping a one month old get an exam and proper medical attention to combat the nasty rash that is a cry of an internal infection. 77Q can serve a lot of purposes and I experienced this first-hand, recently. I was given the opportunity to help a family with their baby and because of so many people’s giving and support, DFM was able to cover the cost of the medical attention needed to help the newborn, as well as show hope and love to the family. As we traveled back from the doctor’s appointment I thought about the blessings this family received and how God showed his love and kindness towards them. I thought about how 77 Quetzales literally got us from one town to the next, paid for the doctor visit, covered the five medications that were prescribed, and even purchased some drinks and snacks while we waited for the results. You see, when you give to Dirty Feet Missions we are equipped and able to meet the needs that present themselves. We are able to extend the love of Christ and show the tangible love that we so freely receive and experience everyday. 


We want to thank each one of our monthly and one-time donors. It is because of YOU that we are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus and make a difference.  As we are celebrating our seven year birthday, we want to extend a personal invitation for you to partner with us. As you can see a simple monthly donation of $10.00 (70Q+7Q) can go a long way! 


If you would like to give a monthly or one time donation visit https://donorbox.org/monthly-donations-11  When you give, please know that your donation is making a difference by meeting the needs that we come into contact with and give  hope that can only come through Jesus Christ. 


– Leigh Shepherd 

   DFM Guatemala Director