12 Ways to Prepare For Your Missions Trip

Dirtyfeetmissions   -  


Whether you are a seasoned veteran of international missions trips or a first-timer, we have tips and advice that will prepare you mentally, physically, and spiritually for your upcoming adventure. The more you prepare, the more you will get out of your trip!

1. Get into the Word. Start reading your Bible more often and spend time with God. If you like convenience, the Bible App is readily available on your phone and has a variety of devotional plans to help guide your reading.


2. Pray. Pray for God to equip you and transform your heart. Pray for your time in Guatemala, Haiti, or wherever you’re going. Pray for the people you will encounter and serve. Pray for your family, friends, and loved ones. Ask God to help them understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.


3. Reflect on what you want to get out of this trip and what you want to give out while you are there.


4. Get active! Already active? Hit an extra workout! Not so active? Start small and build on your progress. Whether it be taking a walk, doing yoga, jogging, etc. Find something you like and run with it (literally).


5. Be mindful of your health. Drink more water! Staying hydrated is extremely important during your trip. Eat some fruits and veggies! They’re good for you.


6. Reach out and get to know your teammates before you go. Even if it’s just a text saying “Hey! I’m really happy we’re going on this trip together. I can’t wait to meet you.” Build relationships! It’s what missions is all about. The stronger your team, the stronger your impact!


7. Learn some of the language. While by no means do you need to be fluent to go on your missions trip, knowing a few words and phrases can really make a difference. And not just in your ability to navigate, but in the impact that you make on the local people. By making an effort to speak their language, it shows that you care about them. For Spanish, download Duolingo on your phone. For Hatian Creole, check out this free app!


8. Learn about the culture. There are so many free resources out there for you. You don’t need to be an expert, but knowing a little about the people you are going to be serving can make you feel more connected to them.


9. Fundraise for the cause. Share your heart for the cause with your family, friends, neighbors, church, school, and more. Invite them to join you on this journey! If they see that you are passionate about the cause, they will want to get involved and support you.


10. Talk to your family and loved ones. It’s important that you talk with your family and loves one about why you are going on this trip. Share your thoughts with them and try to help them understand your vision and why you feel compelled to GO.


11. Be service-minded. Start thinking about how you can serve others in all aspects of your life. Start at home. At times, family can seem like the hardest group of people to serve. We are so comfortable with them that it’s easy to let emotions fly and to think about ourselves first. Make a conscious effort to serve someone in your household or family. Take it a step further and find somewhere to serve in your community!


12. Laugh. Learn to laugh at yourself and be okay with looking silly and making mistakes. It’s bound to happen being in a foreign country. Maybe you’ll use the wrong word for something, or you’ll have to wear a silly outfit and do a goofy dance for a Bible school skit. Whatever it is, just laugh about it!

